What is the Most Efficient Air Filter for Your Home?

Air filters play an important role in our indoor environment, protecting the occupants and equipment of a building from the effects of poor indoor air quality, dust, particles and pollutants. Just as important is that they protect your HVAC system from unnecessary maintenance and malfunction. Installing inefficient air filters can cost you wasted energy, additional maintenance costs, damaged equipment, and unproductive workers. When it comes to choosing the most efficient air filter for your home, there are many options available.

The MERV 8 HVAC pleated AC oven filter is one of the best air filters for household ovens and will help you breathe healthy indoors. HEPA filters have an efficiency rating of 17 to 20 on the MERV scale and will significantly improve indoor air quality, but they are usually used in hospitals and industrial environments due to their dense filtration material. Regularly changing the filter oven is important to maintain the air quality in your home and the efficient operation of your HVAC system. For those without pets or respiratory problems, a filter with a MERV rating of 2 to 3 is a good option.

However, if you have more than one furry pet, it may be worth spending a little more to get the best air filter for your home air conditioner. Using a high-efficiency filter that offers a low initial resistance can help reduce pressure drop and result in cleaner air and lower operating costs. The Rheem indoor air filter is an economical option for those only concerned about capturing large particles for the sake of the longevity of their HVAC system. When selecting an air filter for your home air conditioner, make sure to take out your current air filter and check the size printed on the frame.

The Air Purifier 6 performed very well with a clean air supply rate (CADR) of 325 cubic feet per minute. Medical and industrial grade air filters are expensive and are not always designed for home use. Choosing the most efficient air filter for your home is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality, protecting your HVAC system from unnecessary maintenance and malfunction, and saving energy in the long run.