Do Air Filters Really Make a Difference?

Research has shown that filtering air can help remove hazardous particles from indoor spaces, such as allergens, smoke, and mold. Even so, air purifiers work best when combined with proper filtration and household cleaning techniques. But will you feel the difference? Hopefully, yes, and maybe in more ways than one. A small-scale study in China found that air purifiers reduced fine particles in the air (dust, pollen, dander) and improved participants' blood pressure levels and lung function.

The purpose of an air purifier is to filter and disinfect pollutants, chemicals, and allergens from indoor air and improve air quality. When it comes to the health and comfort of your family, friends, and other guests, it's a good idea to get the most efficient air filter you can afford. Filters not only allow people to breathe easier, they can also reduce odors and make your home a more pleasant place to live. And if you really want to purify the air in your home, consider adding an air purifier.

For example, hospitals use filters with a rating of 16, but that is not necessary for your home environment, and using a filter with such a high rating will increase your energy costs. It is recommended to use an air purifier in combination with other methods to control indoor air quality. In addition, there are other factors that can affect effectiveness, such as ventilation (windows open or closed) and the constant appearance of new particles, so the air may not be as filtered as the claims lead you to believe.

Air filters

are important for everyone, but especially for those suffering from allergies or respiratory diseases such as asthma and hay fever. For filters used in residential air cleaners, MERV ratings range from 7 to 12, with the higher number indicating more effective pollutant capture.

Research shows that HEPA air purifiers can reduce indoor toxins produced by 3D printers, although it is most effective if the filter is integrated into the printer itself. A study found that portable HEPA filter air filters were effective in reducing secondhand smoke exposure among non-smokers. The value of an electrostatic filter is that it captures smaller particles than a standard washable filter and is completely reusable. If you want an air purifier to remove particles such as dust, dirt and soot, please refer to the packaging or product description for a clean air supply rate (CADR). Another study among smoking households with non-smoking pregnant women found that although the HEPA air purifier reduced airborne particulate matter, it did not reduce nicotine in the air.

This type of air purifier uses the energy produced by UV light to start a chemical process to neutralize and destroy air particles. Research shows that this type of air purifier can remove chemicals such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and toluene from the air. Some air purifiers use ionizers to help attract particles such as static negative ions that bind to dust and allergens and cause them to settle in the air. Air purifiers can reduce these pollutants and help you feel better, but not all air purifiers are created equal.